Control Types in ExtJs


xtype is a symbolic name given to a class. Nothing less, nothing more.

For example, your class has the name Ext.ux.MyGrid. This is the normal class name that you use when you need to instantiate this class (create an object of the class).

In addition to class name you can give your class xtype this way:

Ext.reg('mygrid', Ext.ux.MyGrid);

xtype here is mygrid and normal class name is Ext.ux.MyGrid. The above statement registers a new xtype or, in other words, connects xtype mygrid with class Ext.ux.MyGrid.

What is it good for?

Imagine you have a big application where objects (windows, forms, grids) are created when they are needed as responses to user actions. For example, the user clicks an icon or button and a new window with a grid inside is created, rendered and displayed on the screen.

Now, if you code such application in an before-Ext-2.x way you need to instantiate all objects in the application at the time of first page loading (application code first run). You will have an object of class Ext.ux.MyGrid somewhere in the browser’s memory waiting for rendering on a user click.

This is just for one grid – you may have hundreds of them… What a waste of resources! The grid is sitting somewhere there but the user may never click that button, may never need that grid.

Lazy Instantiation

If you have xtype, the only thing that sits in the memory is a simple configuration object such as:

{xtype:'mygrid", border:false, width:600, height:400, ...}

That is not as expensive as a complex instantiated class.

Now, what happens if the user clicks our button? Ext will see that the to-be-rendered-grid is not even instantiated but it knows how to deal with it. ComponentMgr knows: “If I need to instantiate an object of xtype mygrid I need to create an object of class Ext.ux.MyGrid” so it runs this code:

create : function(config, defaultType){
return new types[config.xtype || defaultType](config);

In other “words”:

return new Ext.ux.MyGrid(config);

That instantiates our grid; rendering and displaying will follow. Remember: Instantiated only if needed.

The following is a list of all xtypes combined with the matching class that you instantiate.

xtype            Class
-------------    ------------------
box              Ext.BoxComponent
button           Ext.Button
colorpalette     Ext.ColorPalette
component        Ext.Component
container        Ext.Container
cycle            Ext.CycleButton
dataview         Ext.DataView
datepicker       Ext.DatePicker
editor           Ext.Editor
editorgrid       Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel
grid             Ext.grid.GridPanel
paging           Ext.PagingToolbar
panel            Ext.Panel
progress         Ext.ProgressBar
propertygrid     Ext.grid.PropertyGrid
slider           Ext.Slider
splitbutton      Ext.SplitButton
statusbar        Ext.StatusBar
tabpanel         Ext.TabPanel
treepanel        Ext.tree.TreePanel
viewport         Ext.Viewport
window           Ext.Window

Toolbar components
toolbar          Ext.Toolbar
tbbutton         Ext.Toolbar.Button
tbfill           Ext.Toolbar.Fill
tbitem           Ext.Toolbar.Item
tbseparator      Ext.Toolbar.Separator
tbspacer         Ext.Toolbar.Spacer
tbsplit          Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton
tbtext           Ext.Toolbar.TextItem

Form components
form             Ext.FormPanel
checkbox         Ext.form.Checkbox
combo            Ext.form.ComboBox
datefield        Ext.form.DateField
field            Ext.form.Field
fieldset         Ext.form.FieldSet
hidden           Ext.form.Hidden
htmleditor       Ext.form.HtmlEditor
label            Ext.form.Label
numberfield      Ext.form.NumberField
radio            Ext.form.Radio
textarea         Ext.form.TextArea
textfield        Ext.form.TextField
timefield        Ext.form.TimeField
trigger          Ext.form.TriggerField

Source: xtype defined by Saki

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